Distance and bearing, Track observer for Surveys

The final section covers troubleshooting and frequently asked questions. The second section covers data capture in the field. The section of the handbook discusses the installation and configuration of SMART Mobile. This training resource covers the practical aspects of field data collection using patrol forms, navigation using GPS, data recording on handheld devices using SMART Mobile in conjunction with configured data models, and data upload to SMART. The Training Taskforce is one working group under the SMART Partnership which currently comprises the following organizations: Frankfurt Zoological, Global Wildlife Conservation, North Carolina Zoo, Panthera, Peace Parks, Wildlife Protection Solutions, WCS, WWF, and ZSL. The training handbook was prepared by the SMART Training Taskforce, a group of dedicated SMART users who work broadly across geographic regions, sites and situations where SMART is being implemented, in terrestrial and marine environments. The intended target groups for training are field rangers, other frontline staff and ecological monitoring staff who work on site in terrestrial and marine protected areas, community conservancies, private reserves and other conservation areas. The purpose of this training resource is to provide a guide on how to configure SMART Mobile and use it to collect field data.